Sunday, August 1, 2010

Creating Ability for Using Technology Effectively to Transform Learning

“Ability is the demonstrated achievement of the change.” (“ADKAR: a model for change in business, government and our community”, Hiatt)

It is not enough to gain the knowledge to use technology effectively to transform, one has to have the demonstrated ability to carry out the change. Factors affecting ability to change are:

1. Psychological blocks
2. Physical abilities
3. Intellectual capability
4. The time available to develop the needed skills
5. The availability of resources to support the development of new abilities

Ways of enabling ability to change are:

1. Day-to-day involvement of supervisors

a. Class visits by change management team members
b. Class visits by administrators

2. Access to subject matter experts

a. Effective and on-going PD
b. Sharing celebrations in PLC’s

3. Performance monitoring

a. Effective change assessments
b. Effective curricular assessments
c. Anecdotal assessments/monitoring

4. Hands-on exercises during training

Having created awareness, desire, knowledge and ability to use technology effectively to transform learning, we are now ready to move to reinforcement of change.

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